Strength to Strength | January 14 -15

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S.O.A.P. – “Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer”

Do you long for change?

How lovely is your dwelling place, O LORD of Heaven’s Armies. I long, yes, I faint with longing to enter the courts of the LORD. With my whole being, body and soul, I will shout joyfully to the living God. Even the sparrow finds a home, and the swallow builds her nest and raises her young at a place near your altar, O LORD of Heaven’s Armies, my King and my God! What joy for those who can live in your house, always singing your praises. Psalm 84:1–4 NLT

One day as he saw the crowds gathering, Jesus went up on the mountainside and sat down. His disciples gathered around him, and he began to teach them. “God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.

God blesses those who mourn, for they will be comforted.

God blesses those who are humble, for they will inherit the whole earth. Matthew 5:1–5 NLT

Someone once said that Heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people. God’s people under the Old Covenant/Testament before Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection longed to see God’s temple on earth. Jesus has promised to build us a more lasting home in Heaven away from death, destruction, and pain. Do you long to “enter the courts of the Lord”?

Do you believe God wants you to be happy? If we set our sights on temporary pleasure, the world is full of disappointment, and God does not alleviate much of it. Look again at the first three promises Jesus made about WHO God makes happy, HOW and WHERE.

What is the value of being poor and realizing your need for God, mourning, and humility?

Consider using the Scripture above, Psalm 84, as your prayer for today!